Raging Wolf - Elden Ring➤Manufacture: Chikara
Studio➤Scale: 1/4➤Versions: Please review pics for more detailsA: Standard version: 2 interchangeable hands + Moon Greatsword
with LED + Royal Greatsword + Ancient iron meteorite Greatsword + Night and
Fire greatsword + Miquella with LE..
Needle Knight Leda - Elden Ring:Shadow of
the Erdtree➤Manufacture: Hun Dian
Studio (魂殿工作室)➤Scale: 1/4➤Price: 415
USD➤Deposit: 155 USD➤Balance: 260 USD➤Dimensions: H52/62 x W31
x D24 cm➤Expected to ship: Q4, 2024➤Edition: 99pcs➤Shipping: Worldwide shipping from China.➤Tax free: All the item..