Celestine the Living Saint - Warhammer
(40k)➤Manufacture: WETA
WORKSHOP➤Scale: 1/6➤Price: 1600 USD➤Deposit: 300 USD➤Balance: 1300 USD➤Dimensions: H96.5 x W82.7
x D33.5 cm➤Expected to ship: Q3, 2025➤Edition: 850pcs➤Shipping: Worldwide shipping from Chin..
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII➤Manufacture: Hunter
Fan Studio➤Scale: 1:6 /
1:4➤Features: Wing can
be replaced + Metal blade➤Price: 430
/ 600 USD➤Deposit: 150 / 200 USD➤Balance: 70 / 70 / 70 /
210 USD➤Dimensions: H66 x W31.8 x
D38 cm (1/6) H96 x W46.2 x D5..
Wu Kong Bust➤Manufacture: MORENO
STUDIOS➤Scale: 1:4 /
1:2➤Price: 105
/ 305 USD➤Deposit: 60 / 155 USD➤Balance: 45 / 150 USD➤Dimensions: H20 x L12 x W13 cm (1/4)H40 x L24 x W26 cm (1/2)➤Materials: PU➤Expected to ship: Q1, 2025➤Edition: 228pcs➤Shipping:&n..
Howl's Moving Castle
➤Manufacture: 神隐 Studio
➤Lighting effect: LED
light up layer by layer, continuous and breathing effects
➤Price: 245
➤Deposit: 100 USD
➤Balance: 145 USD
➤Dimensions: H37 x W24 x D30
➤Materials: PU + Transparent
Seto Kaiba and Obelisk the Tormentor - Yu-Gi-Oh!➤Manufacture: Aftershock
Studio➤Versions: A: Seto
Kaiba / B: Obelisk the Tormentor➤Price: 180
/ 240 USD➤Deposit: 80 / 100 USD➤Balance: 100 / 140 USD➤Dimensions: H31 x W17 x D21
cm (Seto Kaiba)H45 x W37 x D32 cm (Obelis..
Frostmourne – 20th Anniversary
of World of Warcraft➤Manufacture: Blizzard➤Price: 140 USD➤Deposit: 30 USD➤Balance: 110 USD➤Dimensions: H27.3 x W11.2
x D9.7 cm➤Materials: Zinc alloy +
PU + LED➤Expected to ship: Q1, 2025➤Shipping: Worldwide shipping from China..