Celestine the Living Saint - Warhammer
(40k)➤Manufacture: WETA
WORKSHOP➤Scale: 1/6➤Price: 1600 USD➤Deposit: 300 USD➤Balance: 1300 USD➤Dimensions: H96.5 x W82.7
x D33.5 cm➤Expected to ship: Q3, 2025➤Edition: 850pcs➤Shipping: Worldwide shipping from Chin..
Radagast - Lord of The Rings➤Manufacture: WETA
Workshop➤Scale: 1/6➤Versions: Regular: Figure + Base / DX: Figure + Base +
DX background➤Price: 350
/ 950 USD➤Deposit: 60 / 150 USD➤Balance: 290 / 800 USD➤Dimensions: H29.5 x W20 x D20.3
cm (Regular)H41 x W5..