Saitama VS. Lord Boros - ONE PUNCH-MAN➤Manufacture: JIMEI
PALACE➤Price: 780 USD➤Deposit: 280 USD➤Balance: 500 USD➤Dimensions: H67 x W46 x D49
cm➤Materials: PU + Transparent
PU + Resin + Transparent resin➤Expected to ship: Q4, 2025➤Edition: 299pcs➤Shipping:&..
Lux - The Lady of Luminosity - League of
Legends➤Manufacture: Jimei
Palace➤Product No: JM-200559➤Scale: 1/6➤Price: 515
USD➤Deposit: 185 USD➤Balance: 330 USD➤Dimensions: H42 x W30 x D27
cm➤Materials: PU + Resin +
PVC + Transparent resin➤Expected to ship: Q2-Q3,
2025➤Shipping: Worldwide sh..