Mai Shiranui - The King of Fighters (KOF)➤Manufacture: PIJI
Studio➤Product number: PJIP-BZHW016➤Scale: 1/4➤Price: 620 USD➤Deposit: 180 USD➤Balance: 440 USD➤Dimensions: H48.9 x L27.5
x W28.1 cm➤Materials: PU + Polystone
+ Transparent resin➤Expected to ship:&..
Luong - The King of Fighters (KOF14)➤Manufacture: PIJI
Studio➤Product number: PJIP-LUONG017➤Scale: 1/4➤Price: 605 USD➤Deposit: 170 USD➤Balance: 435 USD➤Dimensions: H38.3 x L26 x
W22.8 cm➤Materials: PU + Polystone
+ Real gauze➤Expected to ship: Q1-Q2,
Mai Shiranui - The King of Fighters (KOF14)➤License: SNK➤Manufacture: PIJI
Studio➤Scale: 1/6➤Price: 155
USD➤Deposit: 25 USD➤Balance: 130 USD➤Dimensions: H30.4cm➤Materials: PU + ABS➤Expected to ship: Q2-Q3,
2025➤Shipping: Worldwide shipping from China.➤Tax free: All the items are Tax free normally..