Tyrande Whisperwind – World of Warcraft➤Manufacture: Fourhorsemen
Studio➤Scale: 1/5➤Versions: A / B (Armor can be taken off) / C: A+B➤Price: 430 / 400 / 760 USD➤Deposit: 180 USD➤Balance: 250 / 220 / 580
USD➤Dimensions: H48 x W32 x D32
cm (A)H50 x W24 x D26 cm (B..
Wolf King Genn Greymane – World of WarcraftManufacture: Four Horsemen StudioVersions: A: 1/8 RegularB: 1/8 EX (Regular + Interchangeable pair
of arms holding weapons)C: 1/5 ..