PMOVL-01 Albedo - OVERLORD➤Manufacture: Prime 1
Studio➤Scale: 1/4➤Price: 1080 USD➤Deposit: 230 USD➤Balance: 850 USD➤Dimensions: H54 x W51 x D54
cm➤Materials: Polystone
and other materials➤Expected to ship: Q2, 2026➤Shipping: Worldwide shipping from Chi..
Prime 1 Studio CMTSR-01 1/6 Rimuru, Ranga
& Benimaru - That Time I Got Reincarnated as a SlimeVersions: Regualr / DX / DX Bonus—> Item price: 1250 / 1400 / 1500 USD—>Deposit: 300 / 3..
Prime 1 Studio PMLOTR-11 1/4 Boromir - The
Lord Of The RingsVersions: Standard / Bonus—> Item price: 950 / 1050 USD—>Deposit: 250 / 250
USDDimensions: H:40cm W:65cm D..
Prime 1 Studio LMCJP-10 1/6 Velociraptor Male - Jurassic Park III (Film)Manufacture: Prime 1 StudioVersions: Regular / Bonus—> Item price: 919 / 1159 USD—>Deposit: &nbs..